Tuesday, November 13, 2007

FUN with Karla Keyser and Don Silver

Wow - what a weekend we just spent with Karla and Don at their home in Napa. It was nostalgic for us as we lived in the Napa Valley for five years until we moved back to Los Angeles seven years ago. We enjoyed three days of terrific conversation, wonderful food, great wines of course, lots of laughs and the opportunity to mastermind with them.

Hard to believe that we only met them for the first time in Sydney, Australia in June this year, got together again for dinner in Las Vegas in August, had an absolute blast with them in Cancun in October, and now here we were as houseguests in their home in November

Our plan is to be in Spain for the whole of February and March next year and then share a villa with them in Tuscany for the whole of April. We are still pressing them to come to Spain for at least some of March! Taking our business to Europe for three months will be an amazing experience and opportunity for us.

As you can see from the pictures, we were treated just like "Visiting Royalty" dining at some of the best restaurants and enjoying a fabulous winemaker's dinner at our favorite winery, Clos du Bois.

We'll be getting together again in Miami in January and we just can't wait!