Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Final Night Black Tie Barefoot on the Beach Gala

As you can see, this was an elegant affair, but only from the ankles upwards. Most people went barefoot or wore sandals. The food, ambiance and setting were amazing.
Some were quite creative with their attire. Everybody had fun.
Some of us chose to be a little more traditional!

In Session, Suzanne and the Girls

Suzanne and a few friends getting everyone going before the session.
Here is Suzanne with the microphone (I wonder how she got it away from Roger) talking about her ideas for seminars for the over 60's. It certainly caused a big stir and got a huge round of applause.

Les Girls in session.

The Welcome Party in Acapulco March 2009

Here are some of team Europe having a great time at the first night's welcome party.
With Julia and John from Sevenoaks, UK at the party.
And who said that Suzanne does not look good in hats?

Roger with good friends from Los Angeles and Arixona.

We had such a good time meeting up again with so many old and new friends.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Acapulco, Mexico

We flew from Southern Spain to Acapulco Mexico via Los Angeles ( to see some of our children and grandchildren) and as soon as we checked into our room, this was the view from the balcony, and then here's a picture of us showing some of the fabulous landscaping of the extensive grounds.

In the evening we were invited to a VIP party where we had the opportunity of reconnecting with alot of our friends and colleagues from all over the world.

Here is Roger with the microphone talking about the expansion of Team Europe and our successful event in January in Malaga, Spain