Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Big Island of Hawaii

This was our first visit to the Big island. We have visited Maui and Oahu, but this was really different, no beaches, just volcanic rock. When you fly in it looks almost as if you have landed on the moon. This is the view from our room looking out over the volcanic rock over to the Pacific.
As you can see, life is really tough!

This is the putting course right outside our room with a view at sunset - just gorgeous.

This was a spectacular conference with amazing speakers and lots of fun to be had spending time with hundreds of our best friends. Here are some very excited people rushing in at 7.30 AM, not my usual time for being up and about and excited.

One of our speakers, Erik Wahl, painted these three pictures of Bono, Einstein, and Tiger Woods in 3-4 minutes each on stage in front of us. We learned so much from him and the other speakers. What an opportunity this is!!!

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