Sunday, February 7, 2010

Burns Night

We were invited to celebrate the birthday of Robbie Burns, otherwise known as Burns Night with a group of British ex-pats here in Southern Spain. Everyone was in full evening dress and of course some were resplendent in complete Scottish attire. The menu was traditional  including cockaleeky soup, haggis and steak pie. It was a new and enjoyable experience for us and included all the famous toasts and, of course, a piper.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Cold but happy

We had an amazing  3 hour tour of the city and learned a lot about the history of Prague.

Prague 2010

We just got back to Spain from a fantastic time in Prague.  It was minus 6 but sunny and absolutely beautiful.
So many people told us that the food was awful.  However we had amazing food, some typical of the area and some five star international.  What a good time we had. Yes it really is us under all those clothes!