Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Closing Gala

The theme for this event was adventure. The invitation was to come either in black tie or dressed as your favourite adventurer. here is Don testing out a wig for his outfit. Doesn't he look like Yasser Arafat?

The "famous" four dressed to kill. Karla and Don as Zorro and "Mrs" Zorro. Suzanne as Solitaire and me as 0067 licensed to kill, eat and drink!

With Shannon, she looks fabulous

Lots of people went all out. Here is a contingent from Europe. Howard (unrecognizable) as Zorro, Alistair as a musketeer, and Olly also as Zorro. When Howard sat down to eat, nobody knew who he was! I must say, my costume looks a bit tame, but I was comfortable.

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