Sunday, October 25, 2009

The four intrepid travellers together again.

Our best friends, Karla and Don, came to stay with us and we decided to drive up into the mountains to Ronda, a very old town. Here you can see the incredible view from the balcony of the Parador Hotel.

The guys fooling around

Les Girls looking fabulous as always

What would any trip be without an amazing meal. We had lunch at Tragabuche, a very well known restaurant, one of the best in Spain, where we enjoyed a seven course "menu de degustacion" with wine pairing with each course! It was probably the best meal we have ever had - anywhere. I am happy to say the Don generously elected to drive and deny himself the wine, so the rest of us were able to indulge.

Here we are in the town square. As you can see it was a beautiful day, which made it all the more enjoyable.

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