Sunday, December 6, 2009

As you see we shared out Business Opportunity with a few "old fashioned" folks

We went to Gibralter to see the shops and of couse the "rock" it is a two hour drive from our villa

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

So Glad to be back

Just got back from London and now I really appreciate being here in Spain.  It was great seeing our friends and spending time with Roger's 94 year old mother but everything seems so difficult there.  Traffic, weather etc. Let's all count our blessings and enjoy what we have to the fullest.  Would have loved to post some photos but didn't think rain and more rain would excite anyone!!!!!
We are so lucky to have this amazing Home Based Business that allows us to travel and create financial freedom.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Off to London to play Gene Kelly (Singing in the Rain)  will hoist the unbrella and make the best of it.  We are creating opportunities wherever we go.

Monday, November 16, 2009

The thing that makes our life work so well is positive thinking. Every day we read something that moves us forward in our lives.  The Law of Attraction (Michael Losier) shows us how to attract like minded people to us and interact with them.  There is so much negativity in the media that we choose not to watch or listen any more!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Who Knew?

I now know that age is just a state of mind.  On our walk along the seafront today we saw a couple of people looking tired and old and heard it was someones birthday.  55 years old!!!I realized how happy and grateful we are to be still "in the game of life" working our business around the world, having adventures and experiencing all that we can.  One of my friends said she was too tired to travel like we did!  Boy is that sad or what?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Sky at Night from our Villa in Spain

This was the weekend the clocks went back an hour in Europe, so we took these pictures from our living room shortly after 7.00PM.

When we saw this sky, we were even more grateful to have the opportunity to live here in Southern Spain.
How inspiring are sights like this?

The Closing Gala

The theme for this event was adventure. The invitation was to come either in black tie or dressed as your favourite adventurer. here is Don testing out a wig for his outfit. Doesn't he look like Yasser Arafat?

The "famous" four dressed to kill. Karla and Don as Zorro and "Mrs" Zorro. Suzanne as Solitaire and me as 0067 licensed to kill, eat and drink!

With Shannon, she looks fabulous

Lots of people went all out. Here is a contingent from Europe. Howard (unrecognizable) as Zorro, Alistair as a musketeer, and Olly also as Zorro. When Howard sat down to eat, nobody knew who he was! I must say, my costume looks a bit tame, but I was comfortable.

The Resort

A group of us in the infinity pool in the exclusive area of the resort we were staying in.
The view from our suite.

Puero Rico - The First Day

The conference begins "in earnest" Here we are greeting everyone as they come in. As you can see, it's all very serious!!!
Suzanne getting everyone going first thing in the morning.

Who would have thought we would be dancing on chairs at eight 0'clock in the morning? Is this fun or what?

We break for lunch and enjoy a chinese feast with our friends Jessica, Tony and Eastern, with Amy and David. The friendships and relationships created in our business are so close. Like minded people on the same path.

Onwards and Upwards to Puerto Rico

It was along flight from Madrid to Miami and then on to San Juan, but we had plenty of time to rest up before all the fun started.

The first evening we were invited to a private dinner for about 40 people, hosted by Michelle and Shane, seen here with us. It was just great to be together again with friends from all over the world.

Everyone was so excited to be together again and also to meet lots of new friends. The dance floor was packed as it always is when we get together.

Off to Toledo and Madrid

Suzanne and I having a "tea break" in the Plaza Mayor in Madrid

We remembered that we had forgotten to pack anything warmer for the evenings so were "forced " to go shopping in Madrid.Suzanne likes this picture of me in one of my favourite places, a men's clothes shop!!

Can you believe this magnificent view of Toledo from our hotel?

The four intrepid travellers together again.

Our best friends, Karla and Don, came to stay with us and we decided to drive up into the mountains to Ronda, a very old town. Here you can see the incredible view from the balcony of the Parador Hotel.

The guys fooling around

Les Girls looking fabulous as always

What would any trip be without an amazing meal. We had lunch at Tragabuche, a very well known restaurant, one of the best in Spain, where we enjoyed a seven course "menu de degustacion" with wine pairing with each course! It was probably the best meal we have ever had - anywhere. I am happy to say the Don generously elected to drive and deny himself the wine, so the rest of us were able to indulge.

Here we are in the town square. As you can see it was a beautiful day, which made it all the more enjoyable.

We leave California for Spain

September 1st. we left our house in Los Angeles, and flew to London and on to Barcelona for a company training day. Then, back to London to visit family for a few days. We started the drive down to Southern Spain by taking the Channel Tunnel over to Calais. It is really quick, only 35 minutes, but feels rather claustrophobic. The first day we drove to Tours and then on through Bordeaux and Cognac into Spain and stayed the second night in a bustling city in Northern Spain, Logrono. Onwards through Spain , we stayed the third night at a magificent Palacio in a tiny place named Mengibar. The room was spacious and comfortable and the whole hotel was gorgeous.We were having a minor challenge with our camera, hence no pictures! Finally on day four we arrived back at our beautiful villa on the Costa del Sol. We are so happy and grateful to be back, and are now once again able to gaze out over the Mediterraneon every day - it is breathtaking.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Big Island of Hawaii

This was our first visit to the Big island. We have visited Maui and Oahu, but this was really different, no beaches, just volcanic rock. When you fly in it looks almost as if you have landed on the moon. This is the view from our room looking out over the volcanic rock over to the Pacific.
As you can see, life is really tough!

This is the putting course right outside our room with a view at sunset - just gorgeous.

This was a spectacular conference with amazing speakers and lots of fun to be had spending time with hundreds of our best friends. Here are some very excited people rushing in at 7.30 AM, not my usual time for being up and about and excited.

One of our speakers, Erik Wahl, painted these three pictures of Bono, Einstein, and Tiger Woods in 3-4 minutes each on stage in front of us. We learned so much from him and the other speakers. What an opportunity this is!!!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Final Night Black Tie Barefoot on the Beach Gala

As you can see, this was an elegant affair, but only from the ankles upwards. Most people went barefoot or wore sandals. The food, ambiance and setting were amazing.
Some were quite creative with their attire. Everybody had fun.
Some of us chose to be a little more traditional!

In Session, Suzanne and the Girls

Suzanne and a few friends getting everyone going before the session.
Here is Suzanne with the microphone (I wonder how she got it away from Roger) talking about her ideas for seminars for the over 60's. It certainly caused a big stir and got a huge round of applause.

Les Girls in session.

The Welcome Party in Acapulco March 2009

Here are some of team Europe having a great time at the first night's welcome party.
With Julia and John from Sevenoaks, UK at the party.
And who said that Suzanne does not look good in hats?

Roger with good friends from Los Angeles and Arixona.

We had such a good time meeting up again with so many old and new friends.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Acapulco, Mexico

We flew from Southern Spain to Acapulco Mexico via Los Angeles ( to see some of our children and grandchildren) and as soon as we checked into our room, this was the view from the balcony, and then here's a picture of us showing some of the fabulous landscaping of the extensive grounds.

In the evening we were invited to a VIP party where we had the opportunity of reconnecting with alot of our friends and colleagues from all over the world.

Here is Roger with the microphone talking about the expansion of Team Europe and our successful event in January in Malaga, Spain

Monday, February 23, 2009


On the way back from Los Angeles to Spain in January, we met Leslie and Burkhardt Weber and their two daughters on the plane. They built and own a boutique hotel and gourmet restaurant called Amanhavis in the gastronomic district of Benahavis here in southern Spain. We decided to drive over for dinner and to stay the night. The hotel is gorgeous, very authentic and rustic with each room designed in an individual way. The village itself consists almost entirely of about 30 restaurants and bars. You can see from the pictures that the courtyard is very pretty and that we had a room with a telescope and a glass domed ceiling to look at the stars. The restaurant was everything it promised to be and dinner was truly an experience with excellent wine from Granada to go with it. It was a magical abundant experience which we intend to repeat very soon.